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National Student Clearinghouse

National Student Clearinghouse

Product Details

The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides reports for high school districts to accurately analyze the postsecondary success of their high school graduates and make programmatic changes based upon what they learn through their Student Tracker System. The Clearinghouse does not survey students but obtains student data directly from college and university officers responsible for keeping track of enrollments and degrees. All Institutions participate with the Clearinghouse voluntarily. The 3600 institutions typically send to NSC their complete student enrollment list every month so the data is current and constantly updated. 

The fee for the service is $425 per high school for an annual subscription. The reports, fall, spring, and summer during your contract year, include the following: Submission of up to 8 years of historic graduates for initial tracking. 

Files are submitted with a simple Excel spreadsheet through a secure FTP portal.Required submission data elements include: First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Graduation Date, Graduating High School, Diploma type/title 

*Optional data elements include: gender, ethnicity, economic disadvantage, disability, 8th grade math/reading scores, HS math/reading scores, English learning status, number of math semesters, dual enrollment. 

This program: 
  1. Enables you to follow your graduates' transition to college by querying their participating institutions' postsecondary enrollment and degree records 

  2. Helps measure the college success of participants in outreach programs, such as Gear Up. 

  3. Provides an Electronic Transcript Exchange enabling you to exchange electronic transcripts with your trading partners, like other high schools as well as postsecondary institutions, via the Clearinghouse's secure network. 

  4. Provides Free Research Reports : The Research Center publishes reports on student pathways, student outcomes, and enrollment trends throughout the year. 

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

Over 300 California school districts participate in the National Student Clearinghouse. We are working on updating the list through our annual survey. if your district is one of the three hundred that use this service, please consider updating your district system survey.


Deliver Electronic & Print Transcripts Faster
Getting Started with the Postsecondary Data Partnership Data Submission (webinar)